OTHER Stories & Awards
Nominations and Awards
The Last Fall
Selected for Best Small Fictions 2023, nominated by Flash Frontier.
Lunch at Luigi's
Nominated by Ad Hoc Fiction for Best Small Fictions 2020.
Nominated by Ad Hoc Fiction for Best Microfictions 2020.
Or Hats
TSS best fifty British and Irish Flash Fiction (BIFFY50) 2019, nominated by Ad Hoc Fiction.
Lost Downstream
Honourable Mention for Best Microfictions 2019, nominated by 100 Word Story.
Honourable Mention for Best Microfictions 2019, nominated by Ad Hoc Fiction.
Nominated by Ad Hoc Fiction for Best Small Fictions 2017.
other shortlisted & longlisted stories not published
Where Dreams Come True
Shortlisted in Flash 500 competition Quarter 3 2024.
Holding Her Breath
Longlisted in Flash 500 competition Quarter 2 2024.
Three Questions for Mr Rabbit
Longlisted in Westword's monthly micro competition March 2024.
Mina's Favourite Food is Still Mango
Longlisted in Mslexia's Flash Fiction competition 2023
Nearly Somewhere
Longlisted in Flash 500 competition Quarter 4 2022.
The Dogs are Coming
Shortlisted in Flash 500 competition Quarter 3 2022 and mentioned in judge's report.
Nothing is Normal Today
Shortlisted in Retreat West's Courses Competition, August 2022 and longlisted in Flash 500 competition Quarter 3 2022
Longlisted in the Flash 500 competition Quarter 3 2020.
Run to Earth
Longlisted in Retreat West's Monthly Micro competition September 2020.
Shortlisted in the Hastings Writers Room Flash Fiction Five/Twenty-nine competition July 2020, judged by Michael Loveday.
Remembering her Chords
Longlisted in the 2019 Mslexia Short Story Competition, the 2020 Exeter Writers Short Story Competition and the Bedford Short Story competition 2020.
Shortlisted in the Flash 500 quarterly competition Winter 2019/20.
Trajectory of a Doughnut
Longlisted in the Flash 500 quarterly competition Winter 2019/20.
This Perpetual Highway
Collection of micro stories and artwork longlisted in the inaugural A3 Chapbook Press manuscripts competition December 2018. Winning manuscripts available on the A3 Review & Press website.
Summer with Lilah
Longlisted in the 2018 Exeter Flash Competition. Subsequently published in Ellipsis Zine #7, April 2020.
The other way a turning point
Shortlisted for the 2018 Bridport Flash Fiction Prize, judged by Monica Ali.
The 11th to Dive
Shortlisted in the Flash 500 quarterly competition July 2018.
Like Sand
Shortlisted in Bridport 2017 Flash Fiction competition, judged by Kit de Waal. Subsequently published in NFFD Flash Flood, June 2020.
Step to the Edge
The Price of Milk
Shortlisted in Flash 500 quarterly competition July 2016.
Dolcis Domus
Shortlisted in The Short Story (TSS) Flash Fiction competition June 2016 and long-listed in the Flash 500 quarterly competition July 2016.