Stories which have been published in journals and competition websites, and can be read online.

Nominations and awards; stories which have been shortlisted or longlisted in competitions but not published.
I write short fiction - stories which are typically between 50-1000 words long. My stories have appeared or are forthcoming in: Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine; Flash Frontier; Bath Flash Fiction anthologies; Aesthetica Creative Writing Anthology; Ellipsis Zine; TSS (The Short Story); Unbroken Journal; 100 Word Story; Reflex Fiction; Flash 500; Ekphrastic Review, Earlyworks Press.and elsewhere. My fiction has been shortlisted twice for both the Bridport Prize and Bath Flash Fiction Award, included on the BIFFY50 (Best Fifty British and Irish Flash Fictions) and received two honourable mentions for Best Microfictions. I have a piece forthcoming in Best Small Fictions 2023. Below is some of my writing which has featured in competitions and anthologies.